Contact for all Martin Building exhibits: Betty Epperson
**Please bring a self-addressed stamped envelope with all entries in the Martin Building.
Everything exhibited in the Martin Building will be judged on its own merit and receive either 1st Place, 2nd Place, or 3rd Place.
Peewee Exhibitors - 5 to 8 years
Junior Exhibitors - 9 to 13 years
Senior Exhibitors - 14 to 19 years​
Adult Exhibitors - 20 and up
Special Needs Exhibitors
Elder Care Exhibitors
Department 1 - Senior Art Exhibits
Department 2 - Junior Art Exhibits
Section A Oil
Section B Acrylic
Section C Watercolor
Section D Pen and Ink
Section E Pastel
Section F Mixed Media (includes collage)
Section G Pencil
Section H Charcoal
Section I Digital Art (Graphic Design), use of AI not accepted
Section J Diamond Painting
Section K Poetry (must be matted in a 8"x10" format, similar to photography entries, use of AI not accepted)
Section L other art not listed
Classes - sections will be divided as follows:
Class 1 Portrait - likeness of person or persons
Class 2 Landscape
Class 3 Seascape
Class 4 Animals
Class 5 Non-objective
Class 6 Still Life
Class 7 Any other not listed
Department 3 - Senior Baking Exhibits/Food Preparation
Department 4 - Junior Baking Exhibits/Food Preparation
Exhibits must be in place by 9:00 a.m. Tuesday. To prevent waste, the food item may be carried home after 5:00 p.m. Tuesday, leaving a sample for display. Displayed exhibits must be picked up on Sunday between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. only.
Baking - Exhibits must be made by exhibitor only. All exhibits must be on disposable plate and covered with plastic wrap. Only dummies may be used for decorated cakes.
Points: 5, 4, 3
Section A: Cookies
Class 1 Rolled and Cut Cookies (6)
2 Drop Cookies (6)
3 Bar Cookies (6)
4 Any other (6) (Exhibitor must specify)
Section B: Cakes
Class 1 Pound Cake (mix)
2 Layer Cake (mix)
3 Sheet Cake (mix)
4 Any other (mix) (specify)
5 Pound Cake (no mix)
6 Layer Cake (no mix)
7 Sheet Cake (no mix)
8 Any other (no mix) (specify)
Section C: Candies
Class 1 Fudge, chocolate (3 pieces)
2 Fudge, peanut butter (3 pieces)
3 Brittles (3 pieces)
4 Divinity (3 pieces)
5 Other (3 pieces) (specify)
Section D: Yeast Breads
Class 1 Yeast Biscuits (plate of 3)
2 Yeast Rolls (plate of 3)
3 Loaf Bread (plate of 3)
4 Coffee Cake (1)
5 Cinnamon Rolls (3 rolls)
6 Doughnuts (3)
7 Other Yeast Breads (specify)
Section E: Quick Breads
Class 1 Biscuits (plate of 3)
2 Corn Bread (plate of 3)
3 Muffins (plate of 3)
4 Quick Loaf Bread
5 Other Quick Bread (specify)
Section F: Pies
Class 1 Fruit Pie (1 whole pie)
2 Cream Pie (1 whole pie)
3 Nut Pie (1 whole pie)
4 Other (1 whole pie) (specify)
Department 5 - Senior Clothing Exhibits
Department 6 - Junior Clothing Exhibits
Clothing - Garments must be clean, finished, and in good repair. Garments must be made by the exhibitor. Garments must be made within the past year. Exhibitors must furnish appropriate hangers.
Points: 5, 4, 3
Section A: Infant's Clothing
Class 1 Christening Gown
2 Layette
3 Romper
4 Dress
5 Bib
6 Cap or Bonnet
7 Any Other (Exhibitor must specify)
Section B: Children's Clothing
Class 1 Child's Playsuit
2 Child's Sunday Outfit
3 Child's Casual Outfit
4 Child's Pajamas or Gown
5 Boy's Cotton Shirt
6 Girl's Skirt
7 Girl's Jumper
8 Girl's Blouse or Shirt
9 Heirloom Garment (Smocked, French Hand Sewing, etc.)
10 Child's Jacket
11 Child's Vest
12 Child's Costume
13 Hair Bows and Accessories
14 Child's Shorts or Pants
15 Any Other (Exhibitor must specify)
Section C: Women's/ Men's Clothing
Class 1 Apron (any kind)
2 Purse
3 Women's Blouse
4 Men's Shirt
5 Jumper
6 Jacket
7 Vest
8 Suit (2 pieces) lined
9 Suit (2 pieces) unlined
10 Ladies Casual Dress
11 Ladies Best Dress (1-piece)
12 Ladies Best Dress ( 2-piece)
13 Skirt
14 Split Skirt
15 Evening Dress
16 Pants/ Pantsuit
17 Active Wear (jogging & sweatsuit)
18 Western Wear
19 Recycled Clothing
20 Sleepwear (gown, pajamas, & duster)
21 Coats
22 Shorts/ Shorts Set
23 Handbag/ Totebag
24 Any Other (Exhibitor must specify)
Department 7 - Senior Crafts Exhibits/Handicrafts
Department 8 - Junior Crafts Exhibits/Handicrafts
Crafts - Entries must be made by person entering the exhibit and must have been completed within the past year. Kits may be used or copied. Patterns may be used. Originals may be so labeled. No Legos. The decision of the judges is final.
Points: 5, 4, 3
Section A: Christmas Items
Class 1 Angel
2 Centerpiece Arrangement
3 Door Decoration - Outside
4 Door Decoration - Inside
5 Ornament (one)
6 Ornament (grouping)
7 Santas
8 Stocking
9 Table Cover
10 Tree Skirt
11 Wooden Items
12 Wreath
13 Holiday Garment/ Apron
14 Any Other (specify)
Section B: Stenciling
Class 1 Wood
2 Paper
3 Fabric
4 Any Other (specify)
Section C: Wooden
Class 1 Wall Hanging
2 Doll/Carved Figure
3 Chair, Stool or Bench
4 Table
5 Toy/Truck
6 Chest
7 Clock
8 Furniture Item - miniature
9 Any Other (specify)
Section D: Ceramics
Class 1 Stain
2 Glaze
3 Airbrush
4 Any Other (specify)
Section E: Tole & Decorative Painting
Class 1 Folk
2 Fine Art
3 Any Other (specify)
Section F: Sculpturing
Class 1 Paper Article
2 Wooden Article
3 Metal or Wire
4 Any Other (Exhibitor must specify)
Section G: Dolls
Class 1 Soft Sculpture
2 Cornshuck Doll
3 Stuffed Toy - Large (over 12")
4 Stuffed Toy - Small (under 12")
5 Rag Doll
6 Porcelain Doll
7 Any Other (specify)
Section H: Leather Craft
Class 1 Large Items (apparel, purses, large toys, etc.)
2 Small Items (billfold, key chain, notebook, belt, small toys)
Section I: Decorated Clothing
Class 1 Sweatshirts
2 T-shirts
3 Hats
4 Any Other (specify)
Section J: Other Crafts
Class 1 Holiday on Parade (any except Christmas)
2 Macrame
3 Any Other (specify)
Section K: Recycled Items
Class 1 Accessories
2 Toys
3 Bathroom
4 Kitchen
Section L: Scrapbooking
Class 1 Scrapbooking
Section M: Painted Barn Quilts
Class 1 Small (1' or less)
2 Medium (2' - 4')
Department 9 - Senior Educational Exhibits
Department 10 - Junior Educational Exhibits
Educational booth space must be requested before September 3 by contacting the extension office at 285-2161. Booth must be set up by 6:00 p.m. Tuesday.
Exhibits must be picked up on Sunday between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m.
(This is a guideline only. Not intended as fair points.)
1. Has effective message (caption or title sign). Short, catchy, appropriate, well worded to cover one idea and suggest action when appropriate. (15 points)
2. Draws attention. An attention-getter that reinforces the main idea. Something unusual - motion, light, design, and/or color. (20 points)
3. Holds attention, tells coherent, clear-cut, one-idea message quickly. Arouses curiosity about the subject. Has systematic arrangement, easy to follow to tell the story. (25 points)
4. Creates a desire to use the practice or idea. Appeals to such motives as desire and need for profit, health, comfort, convenience, recreation, time and/or energy saving relationships, etc. (15 points)
5. Tells where assistance and more information are available. (5 points)
6. Presents pleasing appearance. (10 points)
7. Use explanatory materials effectively. (10 points)
8. Material brief and easy to read. Size of charts, maps, place cards and letters adequate. Before and after examples.
Department 11 - Senior Flower/Plant Show
Department 12 - Junior Flower/Plant Show
Flower containers - must be furnished by exhibitor, must be marked underneath for identification, the containers in which plant is grown will not be considered by judges, and the fair committees will not be responsible for personal property.
Flowers - All specimens must be grown by exhibitor only and be in exhibitor's possession at least 3 months. Only one exhibit per person may be entered in any one class. Exhibitors must furnish name of plant when making entry.
Tips - Remove the leaves that will be below the waterline. Foliage should be groomed of all dust. Do not spray with a leaf shine.
Points: 5, 4, 3
Section A: Roses
Class 1 Hybrid Tea - 1 stem
2 Floribunda - 1 spray
3 Climber - 1 specimen not to exceed 24"
Section B: Geraniums - 1 stem
Class 1
Section C: Chrysanthemums - 1 stem
Class 1
Section D: Zinnias - 1 bloom
Class 1
Section E: Daisies - 1 bloom
Class 1 Shasta
2 Gerbera
Section F: Marigolds - 1 stem
Class 1 Large type
2 Medium type
3 Miniature
Section G: Hydrangeas - 1 bloom
Class 1
Section H: 1. Other Flowers - 1 bloom (Exhibitors may enter up to three (3) "other" flowers, as long as each one is of a different species.) Exhibitor must specify.
Section I: Begonias
Class 1 Angel Wing
2 Dragon Wing
3 Wax
4 Strawberry
5 Other (specify)
Section J: Philodendron
Class 1 Plant
Section K: Cacti and Other Succulents
Class 1 Plant
Section L: Ornamental
Class 1 Flowering
2 Non-flowering
Section M: African Violets
Class 1 Standard
2 Miniature
Section N: Ferns
Class 1 Fish tail
2 Asparagus
3 Boston
Section O: Mixed Plants*
Section P: Herbs
Class 1 Sweet basil
2 Lemon basil
3 Purple ruffle
4 Oregano
5 Cinnamon basil
6 Rosemary
7 Thyme
8 Chives
9 Sage
10 Dill
11 Finnel
12 Other (specify)
Section Q: Hanging Plants (no larger than 12-inch pots)
Class 1 Flowering
2 Non-flowering
3 Mixed plants
Section R: White Butterfly
Class 1 Specimen
Section S: Pothos
Class 1 Plants
Section T: Ivy
Class 1 England
2 German
3 Creeping fig
Section U: Bromelaids
Class 1
Other Plants (Exhibitors may enter up to three (3) plants in the "other" class, as long as each one is of a different species.)
*More than one type plant per pot
**Note: All hanging baskets must be equipped with rings and hooks for hanging. Total length must not exceed 5 feet.
Department 13 - Senior Food Preservation
All containers must be labeled with the following information:
Product _____________________________________
Canning Method
1. Pressure ________ # lbs. _________ minutes
2. Water Bath ___________ minutes
3. Other, Explain __________________________
Department 14 - Junior Food Preservation
​When you are using your jar filler, get used to where these marks are on your filler, just to the bottom of it is 1 inch. The more you can, knowing where your headspace marks are, just comes naturally.
Food Preservation - All entries must be canned by exhibitor only. Dehydrated foods should be displayed in quart jar. All canned foods must be in standard clear glass canning jars with self-sealing, two-piece lids. No tattler lids on jars. Jars must have a vacuum seal (except jars containing dried products). Appropriate head space requirements must be followed. No artificial coloring added to canned goods. Canned beef and pork must have 1" head space . Canned chicken must have 1.25" head space.
Canning jar size must be consistent with USDA guidelines:
POINTS: 5, 4, 3
Section A: Canned Fruits
Class 1 Apples
2 Applesauce
3 Blackberries
4 Blueberries
5 Plums
6 Pears
7 Peaches
8 Other Fruits (specify)
9 Fruit Juice, Light
10 Fruit Juice, Dark
11 Other Fruit Juices (specify)
Section B: Canned Vegetables
Class 1 Beets
2 Beans, cut green
3 Beans, lima
4 Beans, pinto
5 Corn (whole kernel)
6 Hominy
7 Kraut
8 Peas, Field
9 Soup Mixture
10 Squash
11 Tomatoes, cut
12 Tomatoes, stewed
13 Tomatoes, Juiced
14 Tomatoes, Ro-tel
15 Other Vegetables (specify)
Section C: Pickles
Class 1 Beet
2 Bread and Butter
3 Dill Cucumber
4 Dill Vegetable
5 Kosher Dill
6 Green Tomato
7 Apple Rings
8 Gherkin
9 Lime
10 Mixed Vegetable
11 Okra
12 Peppers, sliced
13 Peppers, whole
14 Pickled Peaches
15 Sweet Cucumber
16 Watermelon Rind
17 Squash, Yellow
18 Squash, Zucchini
19 Canned dill
20 Can sweet
21 Other Pickles (specify)
Section D: Relishes
Class 1 Catsup
2 Corn
3 Chili Sauce
4 Chow - Chow
5 Cucumber
6 Green Tomato
7 Picante
8 Tomato
9 Pepper
10 Pickle
11 Pizza Sauce
12 Salsa
13 Squash
14 Sandwich Spread
15 Other Relishes (specify)
Section E: Jellies
Class 1 Apple
2 Blackberry
3 Crabapple
4 Dewberry
5 Elderberry
6 Grape
7 Peach
8 Plum
9 Mayhaw
10 Muscadine
11 Pepper
12 Other Jellies (specify)
Section F: Jams
Class 1 Blackberry
2 Figs
3 Strawberry
4 Blueberry
5 Peach
6 Plum
7 Mixture Combination
8 Other Jams (specify)
Section G: Preserves
Class 1 Fig
2 Peach
3 Pear
4 Strawberry
5 Watermelon Rind
6 Other (specify)
Section H: Sweet Spreads
Class 1 Apple Butter
2 Mixed Fruit Butter
3 Peach Butter
4 Plum Butter
5 Marmalades
6 Pear Honey
7 Chutneys
8 Other Sweet Spreads (specify)
Section I: Dried Fruits
Class 1 Apples
2 Figs
3 Peaches
4 Pears
5 Blueberries
6 Other (specify)
Section J: Dried Vegetables
Class 1 Soup Mixtures
2 Tomatoes
3 Corn
4 Peppers
5 Herbs
6 Other (specify)
Section K: Pie Filling
Class 1 Apple
2 Peach
3 Strawberry
4 Other (specify)
Section L: Canned Nuts
Class 1 Pecans
2 Walnuts
3 Other (specify)
Section M: Canned Meats
Class 1 Beef -
2 Pork
3 Chicken
JUDGING GUIDELINE - Food Preservation
Texture - Firm, yet tender, characteristic of tree ripe. Edge of fruit smooth. Free from dark places, peel pieces, seed or sediment of any kind. Free from mushiness or fruit pulp.
Uniformity - Pieces of same size and shape. Color even throughout. Color characteristic of ripe fruit. Syrup clear.
Pack - Good proportion of liquid and solids. Liquid covers product packed to within one-half inch of top, no floating fruit. Single pack for peaches, pears, and apples.
Container - Standard canning jar (pint or quart). Jar and lid clean and polished. Lids free from rust. Label 1/4 inch from the bottom of jar on plain side.
Maturity of Product - Young and tender. Free from strings, fiber, large stems, cores, developed beans, white streaks, or starchiness
Pack - Jars filled to within 1 to 1/2 inches of top, depending on headspace for that vegetable. Liquid clear, free from unnatural cloudiness, and over the product. Good proportion of liquid and solids. No sediment in the bottom of the jar.
Uniformity - Pieces of the same size and shape. Even color throughout. Color characteristic of the product.
Texture - Vegetables should hold their shape and not appear mushy, overcooked. No split beans or peas.
Container - Standard canning jars (pint or quart). Clear glass, clean. Lid free from rust. Correctly labeled (on plain side opposite brand name on jar - 1/4 inch from bottom of jar).
Department 15 - Senior Field Crops
Department 16 - Junior Field Crops
Horticulture Exhibits must be entered in grower's name.
Note: Horticulture includes fresh items. Dried items, such as dry beans or dehydrated fruits and vegetables, will be entered in the Food Preservation Department.
POINTS: 5, 4, 3
Section A: Fruit and Nuts
Class 1 Apples (plate of 3)
2 Cantaloupe
3 Figs (plate of 6)
4 Muscadines (1 qt. jar)
5 Pears (plate of 3)
6 Watermelon (1)
7 Peanuts, large variety (1 qt. jar)
8 Pecans (1 quart unshelled)
9 Other (specify)
Section B: Crops
Class 1 Corn, white or yellow (3 ears)
2 Popcorn, any variety (3 ears)
3 Ornamental Corn (3 ears)
4 Cotton, mounted exhibit or stock (3 bolls)
5 Hay (square bale)
6 Grain, any variety ( 1 qt. jar)
7 Grain Sorghum (3 heads)
8 Cane, Sorghum or Ribbon (3 stalks)
9 Sunflower (1)
Section C: Other
Class 1 Eggs, white (plate of 6)
2 Eggs, brown (plate of 6)
3 Eggs, arcona (green) (plate of 6)
4 Sorghum Molasses (1 quart)
Section D: Vegetables
Class 1 Beans, lima (plate of 24 pods)
2 Beans, green (plate of 24 pods)
3 Beans, lima, dried (1 qt.)
4 Beans, pinto, dried (1 qt.)
5 Cucumbers (plate of 3)
6 Cushaw (1)
7 Eggplant (plate of 3)
8 Garlic (plate of 3 bulbs)
9 Grapes (1 bunch)
10 Okra (plate of 5 pods)
11 Onions (plate display of 3)
12 Peas, green (plate of 12 pods)
13 Peas, dried (1 quart jar)
14 Persimmons, Japanese (plate of 3)
15 Pepper, Banana (plate of 5)
16 Pepper, Bell (plate of 3)
17 Pepper, Jalapeno (plate of 5)
18 Pepper, Pimento (plate of 5)
19 Peppers, Cayenne (plate of 5)
20 Peppers, Chili (plate of 5)
21 Pomegranates (plate of 3)
22 Potatoes, red (plate of 3)
23 Potatoes, white (plate of 3)
24 Sweet potatoes (plate of 3)
25 Pumpkin (1)
26 Squash, acorn (plate of 3)
27 Squash, butternut
28 Squash, yellow (plate of 3)
29 Squash, zucchini (plate of 3)
30 Gourds, decorative (5)
31 Gourds, large (1)
32 Tomatoes (plate of 5)
33 Turnips (plate of 5)
34 4-H Garden in a Tub produce
35 4-H Garden in a Tub journal
Department 17 - Senior Household Arts
Department 18 - Junior Household Arts
Needlework - Entries must be made by person entering the exhibit and must have been completed within the past year. Kits may be used or copied. Patterns may be used. Originals may be so labeled. The decision of the judges is final.
POINTS: 5, 4, 3
Section A: Household Linens
Class 1 Place Mats (1 only)
2 Tablecloth
3 Table Scarves
4 Casserole Cover/Bun Warmer
5 Pot Holder
6 Pillowcase
7 Towel (Guest/Dish/Bath)
8 Any Other (Exhibitor must specify)
Section B: Pillows
Class 1 Crochet
2 Knitted
3 Patchwork
4 Smocked
5 Appliqueed
6 Fancy Needlework
7 Quilted
8 Any other (specify)
Section C: Crochet
Class 1 Baby Set (cap, booties, jacket)
2 Afghan, Large (over 48"x60") one piece
3 Afghan, Large (over 48"x60") blocks
4 Afghan, small - one piece
5 Afghan, small - blocked
6 Bedspread
7 Tablecloth
8 Doily
9 House Shoes
10 Accessory Items (hats, gloves, purse, etc.)
11 Collars
12 Baby Booties
13 Baby Cap or Hat
14 Sweater/Vest
15 Doll Clothes
16 Potholder, Dish Towel, Kitchen Accessory
17 Any Other (Exhibitor must specify)
Section D: Knitting
Class 1 Baby Clothing
2 Afghan/Bedspread
3 Vest/Sweater
4 House Shoes
5 Accessory Item (hat, gloves, handbag, etc.)
6 Leg Warmers
7 Any Other (specify)
Section E: Creative Stitchery/Crewel Embroidery
Class 1 Mounted
2 Unmounted
3 Pillow
4 Original Design
5 Any Other (specify)
Section F: Creative Stitchery/Counted Cross Stitch
Hardanger 22 - Aida 18 - Aida 16 - Aida 14 - Aida 11 (Identify which size cloth on exhibit tag and form.)
Class 1 Large - 25-48", Country Scene
2 Large - 25-48", Samplers
3 Large - 25-48", Written Quotes
4 Medium - 13-24", Country Scene
5 Medium - 13-24", Samplers
6 Medium - 13-24", Written Quotes
7 Small - 12" or under, Country Scene
8 Small - 12" or under, Samplers
9 Small - 12" or under, Written Quotes
10 Christmas (small, medium, large)
11 Grouping (2 or more pieces)
12 Christmas Stocking
13 Wall Hanging
14 Miniature Item, unmounted
15 Pillow
16 Any other (specify)
Section G: Creative Stitchery/Cross Stitch over two fabric threads
Class 1 Linen
2 All other fabric threads (specify)
Section H: Creative Stitchery/Needlepoint
Class 1 Mounted
2 Unmounted
3 Pillow
4 Original Design
5 Any other (specify)
Section I: Creative Stitchery/Candlewick
Class 1 Mounted
2 Unmounted
3 Pillow
4 Original Design
5 Christmas Item
6 Any other (specify)
Section J: Creative Stitchery/Plastic Canvas Needlepoint
Class 1 Tissue Cover
2 Wall hanging
3 Grouping (3 or more pieces)
4 Magnet
5 Vase/Box
6 Christmas Item
7 Any other (specify)
Section K: Creative Stitchery/Misc. Stitchery
Class 1 Tatting
2 Lace net darning
3 Battenberg lace
4 Regular embroidery
5 Ribbon embroidery
6 Any other
Section L: Quilting
Class 1 Self hand pieced and hand quilted
2 Self hand pieced and quilted by other
3 Self hand pieced and tied
4 Self machine pieced and hand quilted
5 Self machine pieced and machine quilted
6 Self machine pieced and quilted by self
7 Self machine pieced and quilted by other
8 Self machine pieced and machine quilted by other
9 Self machine pieced and tied
10 Self hand appliqued and hand quilted
11 Self hand appliqued and quilted by other
12 Self machine appliqued and hand quilted
13 Self machine appliqued and machine quilted
14 Self machine appliqued and quilted by other
15 Self hand-embroidered and hand quilted
16 Self hand-embroidered and machine quilt
17 Self hand-embroidered and tied
18 Self machine-embroidered
19 Whole cloth quilt (no pieced)
20 Crazy quilt with hand embroidery
21 Un-quilted coverlet (Cathedral window, etc.)
22 Any other (Exhibitor must specify)
Section M: Quilt Tops
Class 1 Appliqued
2 Patchwork
3 Embroidered
4 Cross-stitched
Section N: Related Quilting
Class 1 Crib quilt - Appliqued
2 Crib quilt - Pieced
3 Household items (pillows, place mat, etc.)
4 Quilted apparel
5 Christmas Stocking
6 Wall hanging
7 Holiday item
8 Unquilted coverlets (Cathedral windows, tied, etc.)
9 Any other (Exhibitor must specify)
Section O: Rugs
Class 1 Braided
2 Latch-hooked (original design)
3 Latch-hooked (commercial kit)
4 Any other not listed (specify)
Section P: Weaving
Class 1 Tapestry
2 Rug Weaving
3 Any other not listed (specify)
Department 19 - Senior Photography
Department 20 - Junior Photography
Please enter only one per class.
Exhibit open to amateur photographers only and must be the original work of the exhibitor and not previously shown in the Southwest Arkansas District Show. All photographs must be 5"x7" or larger and mounted on 11"x14" mats. Photographs eligible for state exhibit must be 8"x10". No framed pictures allowed. Best of Show, cash awards, and ribbons will be given in both divisions (black and white/color). Photo entries must have the exhibitor's tag securely fastened to the exhibit so that it hangs on the upper left hand corner of the mat. Tags should be attached with string and taped to the back of the mount. No lettering is permitted on the front of the mount or on the photo. Junior Division will follow the same guidelines. Youth in grades 1 through 12. Place a "J" before ALL Junior entries.
Section A: Photography (Camera or Digital)
Class 1 Portrait - Black and white (a likeness of a person)
2 Portrait - Direct color
3 Landscape - Black and white (a picture representing natural scenery)
4 Landscape - Direct color
5 Seascape - Black and white (a picture representing a marine view)
6 Seascape - Direct color
7 Snowscape - Black and white
8 Snowscape - Direct color
9 Sunset - Black and white
10 Sunset - Direct color
11 Still life - Black and white (a representation of inanimate objects such as flower arrangements, vases, etc.)
12 Still life - Direct color
13 Special effects - Black and white (a picture with peculiar or distinguishing characteristics as the result of the photographer.)
14 Special effects - Direct color
15 Animals - Black and white
16 Animals - Direct color
17 Candid - Black and white
18 Candid - Direct color
19 Flower - Black and white
20 Flower - Direct color
21 Nature - Black and white
22 Nature - Direct color
23 Architecture Bldg. - Black and white
24 Architecture Bldg. - Direct color
25 Humorist - Black and white
26 Humorist - Direct color
27 Child or children - Black and white
28 Child or children - Direct color
29 Any other photograph - Black and white
30 Any other photograph - Direct color
Department 21 - Senior Floral Arrangements
Department 22 - Junior Floral Arrangements
Includes arrangements, wreaths, wall hangings, etc. in which flowers and greenery (fresh or artificial) are used as a major part of the item. Entries must be made by person entering the exhibit and must have been completed within the past year.
The decision of the judge is final.
Section A:
Class 1 Crescent design
2 Triangular design
3 Mass arrangement
4 Holiday arrangement
5 Any other (specify)
Department 61 - Senior Home Furnishings
Department 62 - Junior Home Furnishings
Section A: Basketry
Class 1 Bun Basket
2 Round or egg shape
3 Market basket
4 Fireside basket
5 Creative twist basket
6 Any other (specify)
Section B: Beading
Class 1 Wall hanging
2 Jewelry
3 Apparel
4 Any other (specify)
Department 63 - Senior Hobbies
Department 64 - Junior Hobbies
Section A: Insect Collection
Class 1 Collection of insects
Department 65 - Senior Apiary
Department 66 - Junior Apiary
Section A: Any (specify)
Class 1 Honey, with comb
2 Honey, without comb