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Rules & Regulations

1. Exhibits may be made by any adult residing in the trade territory of Pike County and not entered in any other county fair. All junior exhibitors must be students of Pike County school districts or members of Pike County 4-H or FFA.

2. Booths will be classified as educational, informational or commercial. Educational booths shall be limited to Extension Homemaker Clubs, 4-H clubs, school organizations, etc. Informational booths and church groups will not be judged. To reserve educational and informational booth space, call (870) 285-2161. Booths must be reserved by September 1st. Booth space is reserved on a "first come, first served" basis.

3. Commercial booths are $50.00 and may be reserved by calling Jimmy Clark at 501-617-3894.                      .

4. All exhibits competing for prizes must be entered in the name of the exhibitor. Showing Animals - all animals entered are to be shown by the exhibitors entering them unless unavoidable circumstances prevent the exhibitor from being present, in which case another eligible junior may show the animals.

5. Each exhibitor is responsible for placement, care, and removal of exhibits.

6. The Pike County Fair Association is not responsible for any personal injury or loss, damage or theft to any personal property on the fairgrounds.

7. Premiums and awards are applicable only to the categories listed.

8. All exhibits must be on the fairgrounds in accordance with the applicable time stated in the various categories.

9. Premium money shall be forfeited on any exhibit or ribbons removed before 8 a.m. Sunday, Sept 8. 

10. Decisions of the judges are final.

11. Junior Division is open to any youth ages 5 through 19 on all exhibits. All exhibitors showing livestock must have complete control of their animals at all times. Lack of control will result in disqualification. 

12. All animals exhibited must be free from disease and are subject to applicable tests. (SEE NEW RULES FOR EACH CATEGORY.)

13. Animals in the breeding classes must be registered and exhibitor must have 100% ownership. All registration papers for purebred animals will be checked by livestock superintendent. Teeth will be checked. Must have papers at the time of the fair. No Exceptions!

14. Livestock exhibitors are to keep pens clean at all times. Premiums and points will not be paid until pens are clean.  Pens must be cleaned by the exhibitor when the animal is picked up. 

15. Livestock exhibitors qualified for premium must exhibit their own animal at the premium sale to receive any premium.

16. Each entry will stand on its own merit.

17. The Martin and Crawford buildings will be open on Sunday, Sept. 8, from 12 pm to 4 pm. All exhibits must be picked up during these times. The Pike County Fair Association is not responsible for items left after 4 pm Sunday. No exceptions.

18. Buildings on the fairgrounds will be open as follows:

  • Monday - 8:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. (check-in) No entries after 6:00 except baked goods or cut flowers on Monday.

  • Tuesday - Closed for judging until after parade. Baked goods and cut flowers should be entered before 9:00 a.m. on Tuesday.

  • Wednesday - 8:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m.

  • Thursday - 8:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m.

  • Friday - 8:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m.

  • Saturday - 8:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m.

  • Sunday - Open (for pick-up only) from 12:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.

© 2019 by the Pike County Fair Association. 

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